Â鶹US Choir: Sunday Evensongs

Join the internationally acclaimed Choir of Â鶹US for Evensong every Sunday at 5pm during semester 2, from Sunday 28 July.
Â鶹US grounds on a beautiful sunny day

The internationally acclaimed Choir of Â鶹US is the flagship of Trinity’s musical life.

During term-time, the Choir of Â鶹US is primarily involved in the singing of services in the College Chapel. Evensong is sung every Sunday at 5pm during term time. A series of short organ recitals will also commence at 4.30pm each Sunday prior to Evensong, which guests are welcome to attend. 

 Please see below for the Choral Services schedule for Semester 2 2024. 

Sunday 28 July

Preacher: The Reverend Dr Scott Kirkland, Research Coordinator and the John and Jeanne Stockdale Senior Lecturer in Practical Theology and Ethics, Â鶹US Theological School
Introit: Rorem, Sing my soul
Preces & Responses: Shephard
Canticles: Lloyd, Peterborough Service
Anthem: Stanford, Beati quorum via

Sunday 4 August

Preacher: The Reverend Dr Luke Hopkins, Chaplain of Â鶹US Melbourne
Introit: Tallis, O nata lux
Preces & Responses: Byrd
Canticles: Byrd, Third Service
Anthem: Parry, My soul, there is a country

Sunday 11 August

Preacher: The Right Reverend Alison Taylor AM, Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
Introit: Lloyd, View me Lord
Preces & Responses: Martin
Canticles: Watson in E
Anthem: Parry, There is an old belief

Sunday 18 August

Preacher: The Reverend Heidintatha Kunoo, Assistant Curate of St Paul’s East Kew and Assistant Chaplain with the Mission to Seafarers – Victoria
Introit: Tallis, Hear the voice and prayer
Preces & Responses: Smith
Canticles: David Drury
Anthem: Parry, At the round earth’s imagined corners

Sunday 25 August

Preacher: The Reverend Cara Greenham Hancock, Assistant Curate of St Stephen and St Mary's Mt Waverley
Introit: Ralph Vaughn Williams, O taste and see
Preces & Responses: Shephard
Canticles: Murrill in E
Anthem: Stanford arr Leighton Jones, A closer walk

Sunday 1 September 

Preacher: The Reverend Hollis Wilson, Minister of Uniting Church in the City, Perth
Introit: Tallis, In manus tuas, Domine
Preces & Responses: Byrd
Canticles: Howells, Collegium Regale
Anthem: Aija Draguns, Holy Dreaming

Sunday 8 September

Preacher: The Reverend Stuart Soley, Vicar of St Bartholomew's Burnley
Introit: Byrd, Beata viscera
Preces & Responses: Cecilia McDowall
Canticles: Joanna Forbes L’Estrange, King’s College Service
Anthem: Elsa Šušnjara, Mother Earth; gum tree grew

Sunday 15 September

Preacher: The Reverend Lydia Thangadura, Assistant Curate at St John's Toorak
Introit: Bairstow, Jesu the very thought of thee
Preces & Responses: Smith
Canticles: Moeran in D
Anthem: Lucy Blomfield, Creation sings your praise

Sunday 6 October

Preacher: The Right Reverend Dr Stephen Andrews, Principal of Wycliffe College, Toronto
Introit: Lloyd, Benedicta sit
Preces & Responses: Shephard
Canticles: Matthias, Jesus College Service
Anthem: Jonathan Dove, I will lift up mine eyes

Sunday 13 October
Choral Eucharist

Officiant: The Reverend Professor Dorothy Lee AM
Preacher:The Reverend Dr Alexander Ross, Vicar of St John's East Malvern
Mass Setting: Byrd, Mass for Four Voices
Communion Motet: Audrey Ormella, You spoke